Acugem n°08- Kidney Energy contains young shoots of ginkgo leaves, younger leaf shoots of giant sequoia and young shoots of horsetail in the form of a glycerin macerate.
This carefully formulated synergy is invaluable in harmonising the body's kidney function. It can also be used to treat "Yin or Yang emptiness" or "blood of the kidney".
Young Ginko shoots have antioxidant and anti-sclerotic properties, which contribute to their anti-ageing effect on the kidneys. They also have a targeted effect on kidney microcirculation, strengthen venous circulation and support blood vessel permeability. Their secondary antiviral and anti-infective effects are also important in this formula. Young giant sequoia shoots have a protective effect on the kidneys and support the activity of the adrenal glands, which are located at the top of the kidneys. These effects ensure that young giant redwood shoots support the Qi of the kidneys. Young horsetail shoots increase the elimination of sodium by the kidneys in the urine. It acts anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and remineralising and supports the body in kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
This carefully formulated synergy is invaluable in harmonising the body's kidney function. It can also be used to treat "Yin or Yang emptiness" or "blood of the kidney".