Acugem n°11- Gallbladder Energy is made from maple and oak leaf buds in the form of a glycerin macerate, combined with peppermint essential oil.
This carefully formulated synergy is invaluable in relieving discomfort associated with hepatobiliary dysfunction, especially in restoring optimal digestive function. It is used in the treatment of "Yang rise", "Liver fire" and "Liver Qi stagnation".
Maple buds regulate hepato-vesiculo-pancreatic metabolism. They drain the gallbladder long-term (especially in the case of small gallstones) and lower blood cholesterol levels .
Buds of oak are a general stimulant, useful in fatigue. They bring back tone and are interesting in hypotension and constipation.
Peppermint essential oil has antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic and digestive properties. This is partly due to the ability of this essential oil to stimulate the activity of the gallbladder and liver. As a result, it improves the symptoms of dyspepsia (difficulty digesting with belching, a full feeling in the abdomen, nausea).