Acugem n°04 - Spleen Energy consists of chestnut leaf buds and young juniper shoots in the form of glycerated alcoholic macerate, as well as aqueous extracts of agrimony and liquorice root.
Agrimony unblocks Qi flow and refreshes the fire of the spleen. Haemostatic, and astringent, it soothes bleeding and abnormal menstrual bleeding, nosebleeds, etc. It also soothes mental and physical tension.
Liquorice, a Qi and spleen tonic, eliminates heat and toxins, has an analgesic effect and enhances the action of the other ingredients in this formula.
Chestnut buds dilate the Middle Warmer in which the Spleen is located and harmonise the Qi. They support the Spleen in its function of retaining blood and improve venous circulation in the pelvis. The toxins released by the decongestion of the Middle Warmer are eliminated by the Kidney, whose excretory function is stimulated by young Juniper shoots.
Formulated with utmost care, this synergy provides valuable support in relieving abnormal blood functions related to the spleen and regulating the emptiness of the "spleen Qi".